Friday, March 15, 2013

Legoquest challenge weeks 4-6

Here are the most recent Legoquest challenges:

"2-D house" by Vlad
"On the right is a fountain of joy. On the left is the house. It has very little room on the outside, but when you go inside it is as big as a hotel!"

"Mini house" by Wolf
"This is a small house with a chimney. It is built into a hill. It is very simple and can be made by you."


"sunrise hammer" on left by Vlad
"Sunrise hammer can only be used at night. If you use it in the morning, your refrigerator will mutate and come alive."

"Hoe" in the middle, "hammer" on right, both by Wolf
"These are special tools because they are green and match."


 "The Destroyer" by Vlad
"This creature will destroy any precious ore. It lives underground. It has lego blocks representing carnelian (orange), gold (yellow), emerald (green), Lapis Lazuli (blue), obsidian (black). He will wreck these into chunks of dust!"

"Yellow creature with wings" by Wolf
"You might see the wings, they look like they are in the background. It is actually a robot designed to protect mankind. A person is driving it named Bobflop the Hero. It can fly because it has wings. It can generate energy from the Sun and then shoot light energy at its enemy."

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Insects vs. Spiders

Today we did a science project called Insects vs. spiders. We read a few books about spiders and insects. Then we looked up some facts on the internet. We watched Microcosmos and tried to identify if the "bugs" were insects or spiders by using the facts we learned. Wolfie drew a diagram of a spider and an insect. Finally we made a Venn diagram to show what we learned when we compared and contrasted insects and spiders.
     Some of our favorite facts:
~Both insects and spiders are arthropods. They wear their skeletons outside of their bodies as thin shells.
~Spiders are arachnids.
~ Not all spiders make webs, but they all make silk.
~ Some insects can make webs.
~ An easy way to tell them apart is by counting their legs. 6 legs= insects. 8 legs = spider.

In the summer, we hope to find lots of bugs to collect and compare.
Signing out,
Wolf Spider and Vlad the human