Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wolfie's story time

(Parental note: On today's episode, Wolfie phones it in.....)
This is based on a real life event. Daddy had his feet through the wall once, when he taught me to do a somersault.
Here is part 2.
I hoped you thought part 2 was silly!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Shaaaaaaark! by Wolfie

Here is another story, enjoy it :)

Bird!!!!!!!!!!! By Wolfie

This is a story I wrote today. Please enjoy it!

Monday, November 5, 2012

omg! blackout nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a nice day until the power went out. Then the next day the power was still out! I hated having the power out because I was doing a presentation on my computer when the power went out, that's why I hated it. Then we cast a spell that made the power come back on yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a presentation by wolfie

Things that stink about blackouts, by Vladdie

  1. Can't play Roblox!
  2. It is very dark, and that is scary and sad.
  3. Can't keep food in the fridge.
  4. It was cold.
Wolfie adds, "The blackout was full of despair and sadness."

Fun things we did without electricity
by Wolf and Vlad
  1. read lots of books. Mother goose was a favorite!
  2. Built so many legos.
  3. Drew pictures of roblox and metroid games.
  4. snuggling under covers
  5. made "in case of emergency hot chocolate"
  6. went and watched huge waves on Lake Erie.
First thing we did when the power came back on....

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Hoffbros want to show Rick what's what.

     The other day we went out to Jamie's flea market so we could buy a nice rock from the rock guy for the garden. We also got a piece of obsidian, which we really wanted. We had a picnic at our cousin's school's pavilion, which is nearby and nice and shady. We were having a nice time until some grafitti was spotted. Someone wrote  a really bad word. They also wrote, in the same writing, "Rick loves Tina". Click here if you can't see the video below where the Hoffbros vent their feelings on the matter, with a guest appearance by Ollie Bean.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hoff Art

A race car and driver by Vlad

A plan for our chipmunks by Wolf

Click here if you can't see the video

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial day weekend

It was very hot this weekend! We tried to stay cool while sleeping over the GrandHoff 's house. This included water guns, hoses and creek investigating!

click here if you don't see the video

Welcome to Ultimate HoffBros!

Hi everybody! This is a blog that we are starting as a summer project. This will be a way to introduce journaling and writing with the boys. We will hopefully get better at organizing our ideas and coming up with topic ideas. We are going to do this mainly through video to make it more fun. We hope it will also help us keep a close connection with our family and friends that are far away. Thank you for stopping by!
       If you subscribe by email (see the link to the side of the page) you may have to click a link to see the video.

Click here if you can't see video