Monday, November 5, 2012

omg! blackout nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a nice day until the power went out. Then the next day the power was still out! I hated having the power out because I was doing a presentation on my computer when the power went out, that's why I hated it. Then we cast a spell that made the power come back on yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a presentation by wolfie

Things that stink about blackouts, by Vladdie

  1. Can't play Roblox!
  2. It is very dark, and that is scary and sad.
  3. Can't keep food in the fridge.
  4. It was cold.
Wolfie adds, "The blackout was full of despair and sadness."

Fun things we did without electricity
by Wolf and Vlad
  1. read lots of books. Mother goose was a favorite!
  2. Built so many legos.
  3. Drew pictures of roblox and metroid games.
  4. snuggling under covers
  5. made "in case of emergency hot chocolate"
  6. went and watched huge waves on Lake Erie.
First thing we did when the power came back on....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys made the most out of a horrible situation and had fun! You guys ARE AWESOME!!!!
