Monday, January 14, 2013

Vladdie shares some of his coloring from school

Vlad has opportunities to stop and color or draw on the computer worked into his lessons. He loooooves to draw on paper, but also finds it fun to do it on the computer too. He really likes to create color combinations. Here are some of the things he has been saving to show you.

This is a picture he drew called "Minecraft Steve doesn't have any armor, duhhhhhh." It shows Steve with a golden sword, fighting a creeper and his health bar is decreasing.

This one is called "Why is everything not in the right color?"

This one was a silly version of Banbury Cross that he received for completing a lesson on the real Banbury Cross poem.

This is called "Why can't I make it up the stairs?" He made it after learning about the old man that bumped his head and went to bed. He apparently finds time to swim during the day as well. Probably why he sleeps so well. That and that pesky concussion we are always going on about.

Vlad hopes you enjoy it!

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